DIDForSale offer free conference call service to all registered users and active customer. Using conferencing is very easy. Here are simple steps.
- Login in your account at https://www.didforsale.com/customer/index.php
- If you dont have an account register for free. No Credit Card required. https://www.didforsale.com/customer/signup/index.php
- Once you are logged in.
- Click on My Conferences. Here you can see the list of active Conference. Click on Add Conference to create a new Conference bridge.
- Click on Add Conference to create a new Conference. You can create a separate pin for the moderator. With a separate moderator pin people can join the conference but can not talk to each other unless moderator join the conference.
- To invite people to join the conference. Click on Invite. Here you and select the time, enter email address of people you want to invite. You can also add a special message.
Free Conferencing is a courtesy service to DIDForSale customers.