Oxnard Phone Numbers
Area Codes – 805, 820

What can you do with your Oxnard local phone numbers?

Create a global brand

Get local, tollfree & vanity phone numbers from all over USA to create presence across the country.


Use your office phone number to send business SMS/MMS and build stronger customer relationships.

Use any IP PBX

Bring your own device (BYOD). Our SIP Trunks are compatible with with multiple leading IP PBX Platforms and VoIP Phones.

Call Tracking

Make the best out of your marketing efforts & sources by using call tracking


Reduce fraud. Use two factor authentication to verify your users by SMS or Voice

Save more

Take benefit of our flexible pricing option and choose the plan that best fits your needs.

Reserve your Local Phone Number Now!





    Where are area codes 805 and 820?

    Area code 805
    Area code 805 is located in California and covers Oxnard including Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, San Buenaventura (Ventura), and Santa Maria. This area code has a single overlay 820 that serves the same area.
    Area code 820
    Area code 820 is also covers Oxnard including Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, San Buenaventura (Ventura), and Santa Maria. It is an overlay for area code 805 and serves the same geographical area.

    What Customer Say

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    Grow your business with Oxnard local phone numbers: 805 & 820

    If you are a business that provides services all over USA but have physical presence in limited states or city then you can create a global presence for your business by getting VoIP local phone numbers for all the major cities.

    If your customers are in area code 805 or 820 you can easily get virtual local phone numbers for these area codes. Customers often prefer local businesses. By having a local phone number for Oxnard you will presence in all the major cities.

    Create your business presence in Oxnard.
    Choose a phone number from area code 805 and 820.

    Yes! We offer local phone numbers from all the area codes in US. You can check for availability by logging into your user portal. If you are having difficulty or would like to learn more about Oxnard area codes or any other area code then please send us an email at contact-info@didforsale.com.
    Well if you already own Oxnard Phone numbers from other carriers and would like to transfer those numbers over to us. Then you can easily do so by submitting a port in order by logging into your portal. You can learn how to submit a port order by visiting our knowledge base.
    No. You can cancel the service when you want to.
    Yes, you can get local phone numbers from any city you please